What causes overweight and obesity? It’s not just food!

EmotionsThe government is rightly concerned about people, and children especially, being overweight and obese because these conditions affect health and wellbeing. There is lots of advice on healthier diets and the importance of exercise but, as far as I can see, the emotional factors that cause us to overeat or to eat the wrong sorts of food are never considered in government advice

There is a local initiative to fight the rise of obesity; it offers nutritional advice as well as tailored exercise programmes for inactive adults who have health conditions. Incredibly, there is no mention of how emotional factors can affect weight loss.

I know that eating the right food and taking exercise are important in maintaining health but, if the emotional factors are not addressed, advice on diet and exercise is just a sticking-plaster solution. Remove the cause and the problem can be solved permanently. I have the tools to do just this!

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Best wishes, Jenny